Our LED plant growing light is designed for any indoor cannabis cultivation. It can provide the same effect of sunlight to the cannabis’s growth at a low electricity costs. Our LED plant lights are able to produce all of their light in the photosynthetically active range (PAR) of the spectrum and they can increase your cannabis production by at least double.
Best choices for cannabis cultivation in Vertical Farm/Greenhouse.
Our Feature Products

Constant current driver
- Job stabilization
- Longer service life of lamps
- Modern aesthetic
Easy Installation
- Sunlike Full Spectrum
- Professional led grow system design
What is PAR?
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PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) defines the type of light on spectrum of light where plants respond the best by photosynthesis.In other words, PAR is the amount of light available to plants-the amount of light that will be used for photosynthesis. Through photosynthesis, plants convert light energy into chemical energy, which is the food they use to grow and thrive. In plants, the light is mainly reacting with Chlorophyll a and b. In the PAR zone we measure the light which falls on the crop, which is expressed as PPFD or Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density in micromoles per meter per second µmol/sm²
What is PPF?
Hover Box Element
The PPF or Photosynthetic Photon Flux is the total amount of light in the PAR zone that is produced by a light source each second.So PPF measures the “photosynthetically active photons emitted by a lighting system per second”.
Expressed in μmol/second. With the PPF of a grow light, you can calculate or estimate how many lamps you are going to need per area to reach your required light level on the plants.
What is PPFD?
Hover Box Element
The Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) measures the light that actually arrives at the crop canopy in the Par zone.The amount of light that actually reaches your plants within the PAR region or the number of photosynthetically active photons that fall on a given surface each second. The PPFD is expressed in μmol/s.m².PPFD is the most important data in plant lights. It is more important than the spectrum. Only a suitable PPFD can have a good harvest. Generally, indoor planting is related to light, that is, insufficient light or insufficient power. Higher PPFD can reduce the illumination by dimming, while low-light products can no longer increase the illumination.